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Monday, April 26, 2010

More Persecution of Christians

How many Christians will be thrown out of medicine, counseling, pharmacy, etc. for daring to stand courageously for Christ. Check out this case where a counseling student working toward her masters was told to counsel homosexuals and affirm their behavior. What do you think about this type of discrimination? Do people have a right to conscience? Should doctors be forced to kill babies through abortion? Should pharmacists be forced to fill prescriptions for drugs that kill? Should counsellors be told they must affirm immoral behavior like fornication, sodomy, etc.? Christians are facing more and more persecution. We need to put on the armor of Christ and hold our ground. Pray for this young woman and for all the legal groups fighting for the rights of Christians.

1 comment:

  1. Those who today dictate government policy would be the first to accuse the Church of dogmatically inspired intolerance. Who is so blind and uninformed to think liberalism is not the established religion. Michigan is quickly becoming the nation's deepest morass of the avoidance of natural law--hence our gubernatrix's inside track for the Supreme Court seat.
