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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

"Eye-Popping Corruption" of the Mainstream Media

The video you are about to see is a commentary on a documentary by the ministry "Thine Eyes." See for yourself the witness of tens of thousands of young people who participate in the March for Life every year and promise that a tidal wave of life is coming to the voters' booth soon. Respect for life is the primary moral issue of our age and those who fail to defend it must answer to God. Plan now to attend the annual March for Life in January and check out an abortion mill near you. No doubt the sidewalk warriors will welcome you joining them in prayer. You can visit Thine Eyes and contribute to their ministry here.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks. I linked at Ladies for Life, and posted the video on my personal Facebook page. Denny Hartford saw it at Facebook, and is planning to pass it along.
