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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Abortionist Admits He's Killing

The abortionist in the 2009 video below admits what he does is killing. He also describes aborting 9 and 10-year-old girls. What the reporter failed to ask as a follow-up was whether he reports these cases of child sex abuse to authorities. Obviously, a little one who's pregnant is being sexually abused. The abortionist is a mandatory reporter. He is REQUIRED to report this criminal activity to the police.

Fact is, these abortion mills simply abort the child and send her back to be abused again. In many cases, these youngsters are brought for the abortion by the abuser himself, and the mill will kill the baby in the womb without ever informing the girl's parents about what happened. In view of the Penn State atrocity, it's time for abortion mills to be in the spotlight. They know that adult "boyfriends" are molesting minors and do nothing about it. And the media are accomplices because they ignore the ramifications. Sometimes the police are implicated as well when pro-lifers call about an obviously underage girl being taken into a facility and officers refuse to investigate.

Butcher Boyd now works at a New Mexico abortion mill where they will kill a healthy late term baby for NO MEDICAL REASON and Medicaid will pay for it. The cost of these abortions is 9-16 thousand dollars of your tax money!

There should be a public demand for every abortion mill to report minor's abortions because, in many cases, these children are victims of statutory rape or incest with adult men. In other cases they are abused by older minors.

As for Boyd's description of his "prayer," that is simply diabolical. To pray as you murder someone is a hallmark of ritualistic killing and typical in Satanic activity.

Let's see a movement to Occupy the Abortion Mills. The greed of these hired killers is beyond belief.

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