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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Are You Paying Attention to Syria?

Better be on your knees over world events. The violence in Syria offers a frightening scenario for the start of World War III if the superpowers get involved. China and Russia are mobilizing to help Iran if the U.S.  intervenes to prevent Iran from assisting Syria. And Israel is in the middle of this powderkeg with nuclear weapons at the ready. This kind of instability is an invitation to jihadist terrorists.

Ah...doesn't it make you feel safe and secure knowing we have such an experienced and intelligent president at the helm with all of this going on. I am so comfortable knowing that Hillary is entrenched at the Department of State with her little cookstove project to do her part against global warming.

Think I'll put on the armor of God and pray my rosary for world peace, especially for the poor civilians caught in the crossfire. Our Lady, Queen of Peace, pray for us.

Crisis in Syria

Can the regime stand?

Iraq urging citizens in Syria to return

What if Assad falls?

Pray for peace


  1. Oh! we should all be safe with open homosexual behavior in our miltary now. Was not that President Obama's idea -- to destroy our armed forces so the Jihadist COULD take over? Until that time, we can all marry each other, men and men. women and women, two men and a woman, two women and a horse, older dad with older daughter (any children involved any children now can be killed by abortion you knos) -- just one big "happy, happy" family. Sorry, I could not help that. Even the Olympics are getting worse. According to one report they even gave a tribute to Jupiter several years ago at one of their events. I guess he is our new "father" according to some since they have thrown out the Biblical one, or twisted his words beyond recognition.

  2. Very true. In addition, tea-partiers are excited about a war prospect to free Syria from her Islamic dictatorship. Assad is not a great guy, but how do we protect the Christians when we cannot even identify people in Syria as being Christians. Republicans think there are only Muslims in that country. And as you say, the world powers' vision of democracy (whether Republican or Democrat) is Islamic fascism. Why do we even export Democracy when we are not a democracy? It is because of all this that the same result will be for Syria, what Egypt and Libya suffered.

